

Level 1 Inspection for Wood Stoves or Fireplaces

A Level 1 Inspection is performed for new homeowners, buyers, or current homeowners that are wanting to know the condition and safety of their fireplace, chimney, or solid fuel burning appliances. A Level 1 Inspection should be performed annually per National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA 211).


Level 2 Inspection for Heating Appliances and Fireplaces

A Level 2 Inspection is required per the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA 211) when a property is changing hands (real estate) or if there was an event that caused damage to the chimney, such as a chimney fire, tornado or lightning strike. A Level 2 Inspection is also required if a different appliance is being installed in the fireplace. A Level 2 Inspection includes inspecting the entire system, inside and out. 


Fireplace Clean & Scan

Every fireplace that is cleaned comes with a Video Camera Scan that ensures that the fireplace is up to code and safe to use inside and out for your protection and peace of mind. A fireplace cleaning includes a Level 2 Inspection.


Dryer Vent Inspection

At the time of a scheduled appointment, we offer to inspect your dryer venting system for free. Any actual cleaning or repairs that may need to be done will be an additional cost. The technician will discuss this with the homeowner at that time.